Sunday, March 8, 2009

Kate Winslet is the El Dorado for politicians!

London, March 08: UK`s political party The Liberal Democrats was left red faced after it used Kate Winslet`s pictures in an advertisement without her consent.

Party leader Nick Clegg, a pal of the actress` director-husband Sam Mendes, was left guarding his pride after a snap of the Oscar winner was made to appear promoting a Lib Dem awards ceremony.

The picture, apparently showing her at the recent Lib Dem Council Awards in Harrogate, was featured in the party`s conference brochure.

It allegedly offered the belief that Winslet, who has always sealed her political affiliations, was a Lib Dem supporter.

"They did not request permission to use the image and, so far, Kate has not been made aware of its use. I am not aware of her political position," the Independent quoted her rep as saying.

However, a Lib Dem spokesman insisted: "It was a humorous piece for a fairly low-key event."

On being questioned if the ad backed the idea of depicting the star as a party supporter, he added: "That is not the idea.... We are more than happy to make it clear that it is not the case."

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